There are a lot of costs to consider in your budget when buying a new home, so we’ve created a list for your consideration of the typical purchases for new homebuyers after they move in. Our advice would be to do your research on the average costs of these items and factor them in to your decision about what you can afford. It’s best to be pre-prepared and know your budget before getting started!

Typical new homebuyer purchases include:

  1. Major appliances (fridge, freezer, microwave, washer, dryer, dishwasher if not included in the purchased home or in need of an upgrade)
  2. Sofa(s) and other living room chairs and tables
  3. Dining room and kitchen furniture (table, chairs, lighting fixtures, cabinets)
  4. Wall units and shelves or cabinets (especially if downsizing – organization will be key!)
  5. Outdoor patio or balcony furniture
  6. Bedroom furniture (beds, bedside tables, TV, TV tables)
  7. Bedroom and bathroom linens (towels, sheets, pillow cases, drapes, curtains)
  8. Lawn mower, other yard equipment and garden supplies
  9. Paint (often required to give the home a refresh or breath of your style!)
  10. Plumbing repair
  11. Replacement of siding or roofing
  12. Replacement of HVAC system
  13. Replacement of security or lock system
  14. New windows
  15. Driveway repairs

We hope this list will help you to take some after-purchase costs into consideration when budgeting for your new home!