Browse our Q&A to get answers to all your questions.
If by chance you still have a question, call us and we’ll be glad to help.
Q. How long are the appointments?
A. Your Design Consultation appointment is 2-3 hours. It’s at this time where our professional consultant will work closely with you to help create a home personalized for you and your family and where you’ll discuss the options that best reflect your personal needs. Once your final selections are made and final sign off is given, we will proceed with production, making sure your standard and upgraded features and finishes are ordered, scheduled and coordinated for installation.
Q. Can I add or delete an item after I’ve given final sign off with my décor consultant?
A. Your Design Consultant will find out whether the production schedule allows for the change. Changes or cancellations made after the finalization of the selections may be subjected to a fee.
Q. Can I negotiate price at the Design Centre?
A. We believe we’re giving you the best home and best price with the best builder upgrades given our ability to purchase high quality items at favourable pricing. Providing all our clients with the same opportunity means treating everyone fairly and in the same manner, which includes the same prices.
Q. Why do upgrades cost more through the Design Centre than other “retail” stores?
A. When you purchase upgrades from Starward Homes, not only is your pricing guaranteed until your closing, but we will fully install them for you, eliminating scheduling challenges or other inconveniences that arise from third party vendors. Additionally, some of our product may also come with extended warranties with the manufacturer that you wouldn’t have otherwise.
Q. Can I purchase my own products – tile, hardwood, lighting etc. – and have your team install?
A. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the value or warranty of any product that we did not purchase.
Q. Can I access my new home, while under construction, to do work of my own?
A. In order to provide for your safety and the quality of the product we are installing for you, we cannot allow you to do any work in your home prior to closing day. Allowing work to be done by you prior to closing could impede the production schedule, the certification process and void your warranty with Starward Homes. Any work that you would like to do – from finishing your basement to installing an air conditioner unit, must wait until after you have closed on the home.
Q. Can I access my new home, while under construction, to do work of my own?
A. For your safety, and considering insurance regulations, you cannot visit the construction site unless:
• You are accompanied by a Starward Homes employee.
• It’s your Pre-Drywall Orientation, Pre-Delivery Inspection, or Closing Day Appointment.
We cannot be responsible for any injury incurred during an unaccompanied visit.
Q. What do I need to consider if I want to finish my basement myself?
A. Your home is warranted against water penetration for two years (see Customer Care); if you get a leak and it needs to be fixed, any finishing (drywall, flooring) you did within this two-year time period will be removed as part of fixing the problem and will not be replaced. As such, we recommend you wait two years before finishing the basement.
Q. Do I need specific Appliance measurements?
A. During your Design Consultation you can review the measurements required for your appliances.
Q. What happens if the materials I chose at my Design Consultation are discontinued?
A. If for any reason Starward Homes changes the original material specifications of your home, we will source a substitute that is of equal or greater value. Your Expert Design Consultant will contact you to make an alternate selection.
Q. Can I install a fence as soon as I close?
A. We recommend you install your fence once the grading approval is granted. As a two-step process, grading involves a Starward Homes’ engineer sending a grading report to the municipality which must then inspect the land and approve the grading. If the grading is altered prior to final approval, which could take upwards of two years, Starward Homes must make grading repairs and if you’ve installed a fence prior to this being completed, we may have to remove your fence. Additionally, if you own a condominium, you will need to consult with the condominium board prior to installing fencing to ensure there are no restrictions.
Q. When is the best time to install my own air conditioning unit?
A. Modifications to your HVAC system, such as installing an air-conditioning unit through a third party during the warranty period may void the warranty on your furnace if the installation causes damage to existing components. It is strongly recommended to wait one year before installation, and always make certain you are hiring a reputable and insured contractor. Please check municipal regulations regarding placement of the condenser unit. These regulations usually call for air conditioning units to be placed a certain distance from the property line, away from your neighbours’ windows or outdoor living space.
Q. If I want to modify the floor plan layout, to what degree can I do this and does this happen during the Design Consultation?
A. Any change to your floor plan layout begins with a discussion with your sales representative prior to you signing a Purchase Sale Agreement. Once it’s been agreed upon that certain changes can be made and at what cost, then it goes into your Purchase Sale Agreement and is part of your new home contract with Starward Homes. At this point the production and design team are notified of any changes to your floor plan and will work with you accordingly to ensure the changes are made to your specifications.
Q. What is a PDO?
A. A PDO, also known as a Pre-Drywall Inspection, is when you can visit your new home before the drywall is installed to check the “bones” of your house – electrical, plumbing, HVAC – to ensure it is to installed as per the directions of your Purchase and Sale Agreement and any amendments agreed upon during the Design Consultation Process.
Q. What is a PDI?
A. A PDI, also known as a Pre-Delivery Inspection is a walk-through and visual inspection of your home. It provides you with an opportunity to view your new home prior to taking occupancy and to document any damages or missing items. During this inspection you will look for chips, cracks, scratches or dents to any of your finishes. You will also inspect to verify that all the upgrades and specific selections made during your Design Consultation are accurately installed.
Q. Who will set up my utilities so they are ready to be used on closing day?
A. All utilities will be connected for occupancy. The Home owner is required to open their own accounts by the closing date and assume the responsibility of the utility accounts associated with their home.
Q. If I want to change the location of the plugs and cable wiring, when do I do this?
A. During your design consultation preview appointment, any changes you’d like to make to your electrical and wiring can be discussed with your design consultant to determine if they are viable. Once an agreement has been made, an addendum to your Purchase Sale Agreement is completed to reflect the changes.